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Why Ritsu?


The synergy between the development of a product and the production technology ensures the consistency and continuous contemporaneousness of the product. The experience obtained during dozens of years in the manufacture of log homes and in the development and construction of equipment necessary for that has resulted in the company’s a reputation of a reliable manufacturer in Europe and elsewhere.

Individual approach upon preparation of designs based on all the client’s wishes in accordance with building standards. We can design bigger rooms, produce longer logs, make nicer pieces than most of other companies as we possess the respective special technology.

Purposed activities upon manufacture of log homes in order to be a reliable partner who commits to work and thereby creates the best quality and flexible terms and conditions for its resellers and end customers.

In an environment-friendly production process we are guided by the principle of economic efficiency. While a log home is a natural and healthy place to live, it also has to be manufactured in a manner affecting the environment as little as possible.

As a result of the daily cooperation between different professional companiesand based on wide architectural possibilities and technical solutions practical, detailed projects are prepared on the basis of which houses with genuine wooden pieces are built.

Short building period – after having obtained all permits, the land plot and the set of house pieces, the work is done very quickly. The building of a log home from the foundation to the stage of completed assembly of the house delivery kit and roofing takes 4-5 weeks, depending on the size of the house.

We have reached the set goal if the client is happy about his choice to invest in a healthy house and if he chooses Ritsu – the master of manufacturing log houses – to build a home for him.


Log house Piia

This house is located in Pärnu county under tall pines near Baltic Sea. Ritsu common house project is customized according to the wishes of homeowner.      Ritsu tüüpprojekt on kohandatud vastavalt selle omanike soovidele. Disainilahendused on omanike tehtud, stiiliks on valitud mere-teema. Nii palju kui võimalik kasutati looduslikke materjale, samas hoides modernistlikku joont.

Maja projekti muudeti nõnda, et tekiks 2 eri tsooni: üks pererahvale ning teine sõpradele ja külalistele. Esialgne autovarjualune ehitati ümber lisatoaks, millel on ka eraldi sissekäik. Seda tuba saab kasutada nii külalistoana kui ka sauna eesruumina.

Välisseinad on tehtud 180 mm liimpalgist, siseseinad 114 mm palgist. Ritsu tehnoloogia võimaldab nimelt ristata õhemaid palke paksematega, hoides niimoodi kokku materjali kui ka säästes väärtuslikku sisepinda.

Pererahvas on majaga väga rahul, nii arhitektuuriliselt, tehniliste lahenduste kui ka kasutajasõbralikkuse poolest.
Piltide tegemise ajal olid mõned viimistlusdetailid veel paika panemata, nagu näiteks välisvalgustus ning varjualune terassile.


This log home Ella has charming white log walls which give the house a luxurious look. Simplicity, neatness and no excessive details help to create a calming and relaxed atmosphere from the very first second you enter the house. A large fire-place adds courteousness. Pines outside complete the light positive energy that glows from the wall logs.



Factory-made house of the year 2016

This is an energy efficient square log home in Tartu county, Estonia. It won the first prize in category the best factory-made loghouse in contest Factory-made house of the year 2016.

It has a total inner area of 262,8 m2 and it was designed and engineered by Helen Tammsalu.